Today we walked - 1-6-23

Zach made great progress yesterday.
He was able to eat his chicken and broccoli that I picked up for a local place called Sophie’s.

We made many laps around the recovery floor and probably walked 1.5-2 miles yesterday.

He is rocking his hospital gown and robe like rockstar. See the attached photo.

All the staff we have encountered here have been so kind and supportive. Jeffrey, Alex and Courtney have been here during the day and they have made this process easier.

Even though this is not how we would prefer to spend our time. The time we have had has been so nice.

Preserving his dignity during this time has been my goal. Also, making sure the space he is in is calm and peaceful and happy.

Once we get home and he is feeling up to seeing people, I am sure he will want to have visitors.

Thank you for all of your well wishes, kind messages and love. We are positive and we want you to be too.



Freedom - 1-7-23


Post-surgery update 1-4-23