Round 4 delayed 3-29-23

We went in on Monday thinking he would get his Round Number 4 chemo. His white blood cells, platelets, and neutrophils were too low, so they said to come back on Wednesday (today). His counts are still too low so we will return on Tuesday of next week for a redraw. They will likely give him an injection of Pegfilgrastim on Tuesday, telling his bones to create more white blood cells. One of the side effects is bone aches.

Monday, we took advantage of the "free time," went out to lunch, and took a short walk around West Hartford Center. The sun was out, and it felt good to be outside.

We are taking it one day at a time.

Some days it's hard to believe he has cancer because he looks fine and feels good. The iron infusions have been doing great things for his energy and coloring.

We started seeing a therapist separately, but sometimes we will go together. It has been so good to have that time. She hears us talk separately about our fears, frustrations, and sadness, but to come together and productively talk about those feelings is a blessing.

I would never wish this experience on anyone, but we are here, and there is no one I would rather do this with than Zach.



Ups and Downs 4-6-23


3rd round down and it's Colon Cancer Awareness Month - 3-13-23