Recovery is going well 9-12-23

Recovering in a hotel room with a kitchen is a bit of an interesting experience, but the time we get to spend together is pretty amazing.

One of Zach’s best friends, Brain, will be in town the next couple of days for work so we will get to have dinner with him the next couple of nights.

His follow up with his surgeon is scheduled for Thursday morning, and the interventional radiology appointment for the PVE is scheduled for Tuesday the 19th. I rebooked us to go home on the 20th.

We are so looking forward to having our family back together.

I am truly in awe of Zach and his dedication to our family. I am blessed he chose me to be his wife all those years ago. He is my person.

Thank you again for all of your love and support. Amber
P.S. The photo is from our walk yesterday evening.


Post OP follow up today 9-15-23


Friday afternoon he was discharged 9-10-23