Next Steps

We spoke with Zach’s medical oncologist, and we all agreed that we can’t say for sure if the FOLFIRI chemo isn’t working, so we are going to do three treatments and then rescan. His 2nd of the three chemo treatments was this past Monday, so he is 3ish weeks away from getting a CT scan.

The scan in a few weeks will be compared to the one at the beginning of January to see if the lung nodules are getting smaller. If the cancer is not responding to this chemo, Zach will go back to FOLFOX for six treatments (3 months) and will then rescan and compare CT scans.

We are praying that FOLFIRI hasn’t stopped working because the closer we get to chemo not working, the closer we are to clinical trials.

We are also in the process of getting into the system at Yale because they will have access to clinical trials if that need arises for Zach. His medical oncologist suggests that since they are close to us.

On a happier note, we finally got enough snow a couple of weeks ago to go sledding, which Silas was thrilled about!



Updates and hard conversations


Our Trip to Houston - Jan 2024