Award Winner and Chemo update - 2 of 3

Zach has finished 2 of his 3 sessions before we go back for a CT scan on January 3.

He has been taking his anti-nausea meds preemptively the 2nd day, so that it’s smoother sailing. He has been more fatigued this time around, so daily naps are encouraged. It could be the chemo, but sleepiness is also a side effect of Zofran (anti-nausea).

On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, Zach was honored with an award at work, specifically the Stephen M. Anderson Legacy Award. The Legacy award traits for this are:

  • Helping others grow and develop

  • Committed to personal growth and development

  • Thinking critically and speaking up  

  • Collaborating fearlessly

  • Behaving with integrity

In order to receive this award you must be nominated by your co-workers and give a reason why that person is deserving. To see Zach honored in this way was heartwarming - but really that word doesn’t do my feelings justice.

This Legacy Award sits next to an Emmy on our bookshelves in our family room and I can guarantee that the Legacy Award means more to Zach than the Emmy. I write that with confidence because the Emmy awards the tangible work you provide on a project, but this Legacy Award speaks to the person he is and the positive impact he has on people.

He is my hero.



Chemo, Christmas, and a stay in the Hospital


Back at it after surgery