Back at it after surgery

November 20th was his first round back after being off chemo since July 25th. He was administered FOLFIRI, which he handles fairly well except for the back of the throat nausea tickle, and fatigue. We have plans of getting that under control this time around.

When we go back tomorrow for his 2nd round they will be adding in THE BEV (Bevacizumab AKA Avastin).

THE BEV is a drug that stops the growth of new blood vessels. The plan is to complete 3 rounds of chemo and then go back to Houston for another scan to see if he can get back to surgery.

That scan is currently booked for the 3rd of January with follow-ups on the 4th.

Until next time…



Award Winner and Chemo update - 2 of 3


It’s a good thing you advocated