Some friends and Champions for Colorectal Cancer have generously set up a fund to help us with travel and medical bills.

From our friend Allison:

Our good friend Zach Jones continues his journey facing stage IV colon cancer, which he was diagnosed with in December 2022. With Amber by his side, Zach has shown incredible strength over the past year through surgeries, chemo, scans, and trips to the ER. He’s inspired us all as he continued to be a devoted father and husband, as well as an incredible teammate to his ESPN colleagues.

Zach and Amber have appreciated the support they have received so far. This is a conduit for loved ones to help the Joens Family with all this entails, including medical bills and travel costs to Houston for treatment/scans.

We are grateful

We are grateful to you for your continued help, whether financially or through prayers, walks, listening, random trips to the store, or simply being willing to help our family at any moment.

We don’t want anyone to feel obligated to help our family financially, but many people have asked how to do so, and our friends found a way.

If your company matches charitable donations, your donation may be eligible for matching.