Over All Update and Prayer Night Info


When I wrote the surgery update, I was exhausted and left out some information unintentionally.

The colorectal surgeon did remove the tumor in his colon and the surrounding lymph nodes for biopsy. The colon tumor was creating a partial blockage, and it was good that it was removed.

They didn't remove the liver tumors or install the Hepatic Arterial Liver Pump because they found disease (cancer) outside the colon and liver. The disease they found outside was a tiny nodule in the abdominal wall (peritoneal lining).

Hepatic Arterial Liver Pump is something that MSK has developed that sends chemotherapy directly into the liver through the hepatic artery. Once there is disease outside the liver, the pump isn't as effective, and they treat the remaining cancer with systemic chemo.

Prayer/Support Night

Mike, an old co-worker of Zach's, has organized a night of support and prayer for our family. We invite you to come and pray, meditate, or be there and support us. It will be held at our church in Avon on January 23rd at 6:30 pm. Mike will lead us that evening, and we hope to see as many of you as possible there. Please see the attached photo for more information.

If you want to contact Zach:

You can reach him at 860-490-5000
We have enjoyed all the support and positive messages you have sent.

Zach is also up for visits if you want to come by. If you are not feeling well or if someone in your home is ill, we ask that you pass on the visit.


Prayer/Support Night Info & Zoom Link 1-19-23


Freedom - 1-7-23