Out of surgery 10-27-23

Today wasn’t what we hoped for. However, we trust the surgeon and his call to not continue with the right side resection.

The surgeon entered safely and looked around and there is nothing outside the liver. However, the tumor on the left side around the bile duct has increased in size and is too close to the bile duct to remove without causing damage to that segment of the liver.

His platelet count is low and his liver is showing signs that it is still recovering from the initial surgery six weeks ago.

The plan forward is resume chemo again in 3-4 weeks and do 4 cycles of chemo and then revisit imaging after 4 cycles. They want to see an increase in his platelet count as well and the liver to get used to the new blood flow from the PVE and HVE.

This is truly one day at a time. We are grateful for your prayers, well wishes, love and support. This is a journey we wish we weren’t on, but here we are.

Stage 4 cancer is a chronic illness and we are going after it the best we can. Please continue to pray for peace, joy and healing.



Today was a good day. 10-28-23


2nd stage liver resection 10-27-23